Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Today's Job Workshop with Dr. Bradley & EPE Dept Twitter

Today, March 10th from 5:00-6:00PM in Dickey 109 (Faculty Lounge)

Dr. Kelly Bradley is hosting a graduate student workshop on the academic job search process, including tips on how to construct your CV and preparation of your job talk. If you are hoping to pursue a tenure track position in academia after graduating, you are strongly encouraged to attend!

Also - the department now has a Twitter account!
Follow it for the latest news from the EPE Department:

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Grad Student Workshop: Academic Job Search & Upcoming Events

Good morning, EPEers!

The Academic Job Hunt
Tuesday, March 10, 2015
- 5:00-6:00PM in Dickey 109 (Faculty Lounge)

Dr. Kelly Bradley is holding a workshop for students who are interested in pursuing a career in academia. This workshop will go over the process of preparing your CV and job talk, and other related issues.

Upcoming Events

Thurs, March 5, 2:00-3:00PM - IRB Workshop
Dr. Kristen Perry (Curriculum & Instruction) is holding an IRB workshop for all COE graduate students. [Taylor 122]

Tues, March 10, 12:30-1:45PM - TFA's Disposition Toward External Research
Dr. Raegen Miller, Vice President for Research Partnerships at Teacher for America (TFA), will visit the UK College of Education March 10th to deliver a talk titled, TFA's Disposition Toward External Research. It will be an interactive discussion with lots of time for questions. He will also be available to talk with students or faculty before or after the presentation. A description of the talk is below. Please contact Dr. Wayne Lewis with any question (wayne.lewis@uky.edu). [Taylor Auditorium, 158]

March 16-20 - Spring Break

Sat, March 28, 8AM-4:30PM - Spring Research Conference
Colleges of Education graduate student research conference sponsored by UofL, UK, and the University of Cincinnati. Free for all students, faculty, and staff.
[University of Louisville University Club (200 E Brandeis Ave)]

March 30-April 21 - Priority Registration for Summer & Fall 2015

Tues, April 14, 6:30-8:00PM - School Choice & Charter School Panel
EPE GSC and SFER (Students for Education Reform) are hosting a panel discussion and public Q&A on charter schools. Panelists include Dr. Joe Ferrare (EPE), Dr. Wayne Lewis (EDL), Dr. Carmen Coleman (EDL, fmr Danville Superintendent), and a representative from the Prichard Committee for Academic Excellence. [Taylor Auditorium, 158]

Thurs, April 16 - Taylor Courtyard Remodel Dedication

Sat, May 9 - Commencement

Graduate Student Council
Education Policy Studies & Evaluation