Tuesday, June 28, 2011

More Course Options for Fall

Check out these fall courses in Ed Leadership (EDL) with  Dr. Wayne Lewis:

  • EDL 601: Into to School Leadership & Administration (Tuesdays, 5:30-8:00 PM), and
  • EDL 751: Foundations of Inquiry (7 Saturday meetings from 8:30-12:00 PM)

These courses are hybrid, meeting approximately 7 times during the semester on campus. They are designed to be understandable for non-future school administrators. Dr. Lewis works with non ed-admin folks to develop alternate major class assignments as well.

Friday, June 24, 2011

New Seminar Offering: Diversity in Higher Ed

EPE 798, Section 402, Tuesdays, 7:00 to 9:30 PM
Special Topics Seminar:  "Diversity in Higher Education”
Instructor: Dr. Willis A. Jones, Educational Policy Studies and Evaluation

Course Description:  This course will critically examine how various functional areas of postsecondary education are impacted by diversity at the student, faculty, and administrative levels of a college/university.  Students will engage in readings and critical discussions regarding the role of various strands of diversity, including racial, ethnic, gender, socio-economic, religious, sexual orientation, disability, etc., on phenomenon such as postsecondary access, the college student experience, college/university curricula, higher education policy, and administrative practices.  Among the specific topics to be addressed in the course are: college student racial identity development, understanding and creating a diverse campus climate, and approaches for consuming and analyzing research on the impact of diversity in higher education.  

For more information about the course, please contact Dr. Jones at willj2k10@gmail.com.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Journal Submissions

Paul A. Gore, Jr. has been named the fifth editor of the Journal of The First-Year Experience & Students in Transition. Gore will succeed Jean M. Henscheid, who has served as the Journal’s editor since June 2007. Her term ends with the publication of Volume 23.2 in November 2011.

Gore is the student success special projects coordinator and director of institutional analysis at the University of Utah. In addition, he serves as an associate professor in the Department of Educational Psychology and as a training director of the graduate counseling psychology program. He earned his bachelor’s degree from Saint Louis University, his MS from the University of New Orleans, his MA from Northeastern Illinois University, and his PhD in counseling psychology from Loyola University. Prior to coming to the University of Utah, Paul served as the director of the Career Transitions Research Department at ACT, Inc., and as the co-director of the Freshman Seminar Program at Southern Illinois University. He is a widely published author, with articles appearing in the International Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance, The Career Development Quarterly, Research in Higher Education, and the Journal of The First-Year Experience and Students in Transition. In addition to authoring journal articles, he co-edited Students in Transition: Research and Practice in Career Development (2011) and edited Facilitating the Career Development of Students in Transition (2005)—both published by the National Resource Center—and has contributed multiple book chapters on first-year and sophomore student success, academic advising, and career development. Gore has frequently presented on topics related to student success and engagement at the International Conference on The First-Year Experience and the Annual Conference on The First-Year Experience. In recognition of his service to the profession, he received the Outstanding Presentation Award from the Rocky Mountain Association for Institutional Research in 2008.

The Journal of The First-Year Experience & Students in Transition is a semiannual refereed journal providing current research on the first college year and other significant student transitions. The primary purpose of the Journal is to disseminate empirical research findings on student transition issues that inform practice in all sectors of postsecondary education, such as

• Explorations into the academic, personal, and social experiences (including outcomes related to success, learning, and development) of students at a range of transition points throughout the college years. These transitions include, but are not limited to, the first college year, the transfer transition, the sophomore year, the senior year and transition out of college, and the transition to graduate work.
• Transition issues unique to specific populations (e.g., non-traditional, traditional, historically underrepresented students, transfer students, commuters, part-time students)
• Explorations of faculty development, curriculum, and pedagogical innovations connected to any of the transitions identified above

The Journal is published by the National Resource Center for The First-Year Experience and Students in Transition at the University of South Carolina.

New submissions for the Journal should be sent to Dr. Gore’s attention at NRCJour@mailbox.sc.edu beginning July 1, 2011. Dr. Henscheid will continue to review invited revisions through October 31, 2011.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Education Abroad Research Opportunities in Europe

In an effort to provide meaningful educative experiences abroad for our students, UK Education Abroad has partnered with EuroLearn to provide a unique opportunity for students to spend a semester abroad as a junior researcher at one of twelve top research institutions in Europe. The EuroScholars program has been especially designed for students who are interested in discovering their potential for a research career. They are looking for outstanding and motivated advanced undergraduate, honors or graduate students. A strong interest in an academic/research career and a GPA of 3.4 or higher are also required. Students do not need to have research experience, however, science students should have ample academic experience in a laboratory setting.

Supervision will be provided by academic staff, working on and/or responsible for the Research Project. The curriculum will consist of the Research Project (main element), literature review (independent study), elective (if applicable), and a language and culture course at the host university. Each semester a central European Midstay Program (2-3 days) is organized for all students. The program isn’t inexpensive, but Education Abroad will be sure to advise students on financial aid and scholarship opportunities.

If you would like more information on this program please contact Anthony Ogden at a.ogden@uky.edu or follow one of the links above.

Monday, June 6, 2011


Congratulations to EPE alum, Harold Peach!  Dr. Peach will begin a new position this fall as an assistant professor of education (tenure track) at Georgetown College. 

Saturday, June 4, 2011


Congratulations to Amber Decker (EdD Cohort), who was chosen for a 2011 Award of Excellence from KCTCS.  Well deserved!

Hope everyone's summer is going well.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Call For Papers

The Southern Association of Community, Junior and Technical Colleges (SACJTC) is seeking proposals on the following topics:

(1)  Short Papers-We are looking for 2-3 page reports on your best practices in Quality Enhancement Programs (QEP). All of the proposals who meet peer-reviewed criterion will be published in the SACJTC online journal. http://www.sacjtc.org/
(2)  Academic Paper-We are looking for longer papers (15-20 pages) on the best practices in SACS accreditation, which may include the QEP portion as well. All proposals are welcome and we encourage those proposals on 5-year interim affirmations as well. Papers on community college best practices are also encouraged. The best paper will be eligible for a cash prize of $500. Detailed proposals are acceptable by the proposal deadline, however, final papers will be due at the time of the SACS conference in December, 2011.

All proposals should be written in accordance with the standards used in most educational journals (such as the community college journal of research and practice). Any questions and papers should be directed to the editor: matthew.basham@wku.edu

Student papers are encouraged. If enough student papers are received a stipend may be awarded for the best student paper.

The DUE DATE for the proposals is AUGUST 1, 2011.

All submissions will be blind and peer-reviewed.

Winning proposals will be recognized at the 2011 meeting of SACJTC at the annual conference of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS) December 3-6 in Orlando, Florida.

Self-nominations for reviewers are also being accepted.