Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Kudos to Becky and Zumrad!

Congratulations to Drs. Unites and Kataeva on their successful PhD defenses this week.  Zumrad's thesis examined faculty life in Central Asia and Becky conducted a comparative case study of English language masters' degrees at three universities in Northern Europe.  An international scholarship festival!

Kudos to you both!

Friday, July 11, 2014

Midwest Regional CIES Conference: Proposal Deadline Extended to July 31st

2014 Midwestern Regional Conference
of the Comparative International Education Society

Reimagining Internationalization:
Critical Dialogues on Global Dimensions of Education

October 10 – 11, 2014
Indiana University, Bloomington
Text Box: Conference highlights:

Three half-day methodology workshops on Friday
Full-day workshop for pre- and in-service teachers on Saturday
Opportunities to publish in two peer-reviewed journals
Keynote Speaker: Frances Vavrus, University of Minnesota

In an increasingly interconnected world, internationalization is a phenomenon affecting every level of learning. While internationalization efforts appear to offer many benefits, these efforts and the way in which they are studied need to be critically examined: Do these efforts perpetuate or break down structural, global inequalities? Who benefits? Who is excluded? What assumptions underlie the concept of internationalization?

This theme will guide conference participants, including researchers, graduate students, representatives of global institutions, civil society, and education practitioners, to reimagine the internationalization of education and inspire new conversations about inequality, development, policy, and methods as they relate to internationalization.

***Proposals Now Due July 31, 2014***
Registration opens July 15, 2014
Fee Schedule:
Students (CIES Members): $35
Students (Non-CIES Members): $70
Faculty, Others (CIES Members): $50
Faculty, Others (Non-CIES Members): $100

Call for Proposals and additional information available here.

Housing Information:
There is a block of rooms reserved for the conference at Indiana University’s Indiana Memorial Union (IMU) Biddle Hotel and Conference Center.  These rooms will be let go to the general population on September 9, 2014.  To reserve a room at the IMU please call (812) 856-6381.  There is also a Travelodge near campus that offers rooms for about $50/night.  The conference organizers will take offers and requests to “couch surf” via the email address.

Conference times:

The conference will begin at 8am on Friday and Saturday with breakfast.  Presentations will begin at 9am each day.  The conference fees include dinners both nights, so dinners will last until 7:30 or 8pm each night.  Presentations will last until 5:30pm each day.

Please di

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Congratulations Dr. Woltenberg!

Kudos to Leslie Woltenberg on her successful PhD defense this afternoon.  Her dissertation, Relationships and Capital in Living Learning Communities: A Social Network Analysis, was a big hit.

Hope everyone is enjoying their summer!