Monday, November 30, 2015

Kudos to Caroline

Congratulations to Caroline Reisner (EdD Cohort 3) on the publication of her paper originally entitled, "Could Co-curricular Activities be the Formula for Math?" on Edutopia:

Caroline developed this essay as part of Dr. Jim Breslin's section of EPE672 College Teaching and Learning.

Saturday, November 14, 2015

Consulting Job Opportunity for PhD Students

From EPE alum, Kayla:

I have been doing some consulting work with an organization called Thrival Academies. Thrival is looking to start another project that looks at the impact of international experiences on pre-service teachers. Since I am already on a project for them (looking at impacts of study abroad on high schoolers), they've asked me if I could put them in contact with other PhD students who could do similar work. They want someone who could spend some time getting to know the org (via phone interviews with leaders and the like) and construct an assessment tool that evaluates learning growth that aligns with their identified SLOs.

If you (or maybe you know somebody who) would be interested in pursuing a consulting job like this (for pay), I can provide some more info and put you in contact with the people at Thrival. Just let me know! And feel free to send this through the listserv! 

All my love to Kentucky!

Kayla M. Johnson
Managing Editor, American Journal of Education
Co-Editor, AJE Forum
Foreign Language and Area Studies Fellow
Embedded Programs Intern, Global Penn State

PhD Candidate, Higher Education &
Comparative and International Education
The Pennsylvania State University
Twitter: @EduAbroadKayla