Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Call for Proposals CPAK

From Chris Thuringer, CPAK Membership Coordinator:

I'm pleased to announce some new and exciting info related to the College Personnel Association of KY (CPAK) conference that will be held March 4-5, 2010 in Louisville. Here are some of the highlights:

Program Proposals are due by January 8 - http://louisville.edu/student/form/cpak/cpak2010. We welcome all proposals, but based on your feedback in our fall survey we are encouraging proposals to tie in with the following topics: Assessment, Technology/Social Media, Academic/Student Affairs connections, and Risk Management.

We're so excited to announce Susan Komives (Professor of College Student Affairs at the University of Maryland) as this year's keynote speaker. The keynote will be held Thursday evening with Dr. Komives also participating in an educational session on Friday morning.

The conference will be held at the Hyatt Regency Louisville with room rates of $104/night + tax & parking. Please use this link to make reservations by the deadline of February 1. https://resweb.passkey.com/go/CollegePersonnel

Registration is available for the conference through the CPAK website - http://cpak.org/conference/index.html. Conference registration also includes your CPAK membership.

We look forward to seeing you at CPAK 2010!