Sunday, July 18, 2010

teaching fellowship in China

Overseas Young Chinese Forum Teaching Fellowships 2010-11

The Overseas Young Chinese Forum ("OYCF"), a non-profit organization based in the
United States, is pleased to announce that it is now accepting applications for its
Teaching Fellowships, which sponsor short term teaching trips by overseas scholars
or professionals (Chinese or

non-Chinese) to universities or other comparable advanced educational institutions
in China. The subjects of teaching include all fields of humanities and social
sciences, such as anthropology, art, communication, economics, education, geography,
law, literatures, philosophy, political science, sociology, etc.

OYCF will grant 15 fellowship awards to support short term teaching trips during the
Academic Year of 2010-11, including five (5) OYCF-Ford fellowships in the amount of
$2,500 each and ten (10) OYCF-Gregory C.

and Paula K. Chow fellowships in the amount of $2,000 each. The application deadline
is August 15, 2010. Awards will be announced on September 15, 2010.

More information can be found at: