Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Graduate Student Congress


What is the Graduate Student Congress?
We are a registered student organization whose mission is to unify and represent the graduate student body at the University of Kentucky in matters affecting the quality of graduate student life and work and to facilitate interdisciplinary collaboration and promote professional development for graduate students through seminars, forums, and social functions.

Who can be a member?
All UK graduate students are automatically members of the GSC.

Why be a member?
We advocate for graduate students.  Your issue becomes our focus!  Past advocacy issues investigated and supported have included a forum on graduate student health insurance, privacy policies & student directory info, and student travel funding.  Further, we support graduate student development through interdisciplinary and social activities such as annual interdisciplinary conference, lectures and panel discussions, departmental open house events, and free game play at Cat’s Den. 

Are all members voting members?
Only GSC officers and representatives will vote at Congress meetings.  Effective this fall, there is a new process for selecting representatives:
At the second meeting of the fall semester, each academic department or registered graduate student organization, with members in attendance, shall elect, by a democratic process determined by the group, a single Representative.  After group voting is completed, the Representatives shall come forward to the GSC Secretary to give their affiliation and contact information.  This Representative shall be the single voting member for her or his department or organization at each GSC meeting thereafter.  If the Representative cannot attend a GSC meeting at which a vote is expected to be called, the Representative may notify the GSC Executive Council in writing of a group-approved substitute delegate no later than twenty-four (24) hours prior to the scheduled meeting time.  Academic departments or registered graduate student organizations not present for the Representative voting process may elect, by a democratic process determined by the group, a Representative at any time after the second meeting of the fall semester, and they must notify the Secretary of the GSC in writing of the Representative.  The term of office for the Representative shall be from her or his election until the next annual election date.  Representatives may serve, at most, three annual appointments.

How else can I be involved with the GSC?
Come to a general meeting!  Meetings will be held at 6:00 p.m. on the first Thursdays of the Fall semester:
September 6, October 4, November 8, December 6 in the Gillis Building Conference Room, 1st floor

Another way for members to be involved in the Congress is through service on committees or taskforce initiatives.  The standing committees of the GSC are the Professional Development Committee, the Social Committee, and the Fundraising Committee. Other committees can be created ad hoc, as determined by the Executive Council or 51% vote of Representatives. The Congress' members may choose to establish a taskforce to investigate an issue and recommend action.  Congress Officers are charged with appointing chairs to committees and taskforce initiatives. Any member of the Congress may serve on a committee or taskforce and any member may be appointed chair.



  • New Graduate Student Resource Fair – August 15, Noon-2:00 p.m. – Student Center Grand Ballroom
  • Graduate Student Ice Cream Social – August 30, 2:30-4:30 p.m. – Gillis Building Lawn
  • Graduate Student Congress General Meeting – September 6 – Gillis Building Conference Room, 1st floor
  • GSC Open House: The Graduate School – September 14 – Gillis Building
  • Career Pathways (Outside Academia) Speaker – Fall 2012 – Details soon!
  • GSC Interdisciplinary Graduate Student Conference - February 22, 2013 – UK Student Center