Friday, November 9, 2012

Colloquium Thursday 11/15

Please join us for an EPE Colloquium Thursday, November 15th at 5:30 PM in room 109 Dickey Hall.

"Preparing for changes in Indonesian Higher Education:  Outsiders inside an international development project"

Kirsten Turner and Beth Goldstein

Indonesia’s higher education system is moving from a highly centralized to a less centralized system in which universities, colleges and polytechnics will have more leeway to make their own curricular, personnel and policy decisions and in which they will also have to assume more fiscal
responsibilities.   They are being charged with contributing to local and
national development, improving access and equity for students, and striving for recognition in the regional and international higher education arenas.  Sound familiar?

In preparation for these transitions, the Indonesian government sought development aid from a variety of external sources, among these the U.S. Agency for International Development.  This colloquium focuses on lessons learned since Spring 2012, when Drs. Turner and Goldstein began work as consultants to the resultant Indonesia Higher Education Leadership and Management project funded by U.S. A.I.D.