Monday, March 4, 2013

Dr. Michael Wsch Lecture on Teaching 3/19

Dr. Michael Wesch, a cultural anthropologist and media ecologist at Kansas
State University, is coming as our guest to give a talk entitled The End 
of Wonder in the Age of Whatever on March 19th at 12:30 pm
in the W.T. Young Auditorium.

Dr. Wesch regularly teaches large classes and was the 2008 U.S. Professor 
of the Year for Doctoral and Research Universities selected by the Carnegie 
Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching. He will be talking about 
creating a sense of "wonder" in the classroom by giving students the gift of 
"big questions." We are very excited about Professor Wesch's visit and 
believe his instructional methods and experiences may be inspirational for 
the faculty in your college. We are hopeful that his talk will begin an 
important dialogue on our campus around educational topics such as the
use of technology in the classroom and innovative teaching methods for 
larger courses.