Hello and Happy New Year!
Our 3rd cohort of EdD in EPE students will be starting their doctoral journey January 16th. Please join us in greeting them at the Bingham Davis House of the Gaines Center 6-8pm, Friday, January 16th. Directions are below.
The EdD in EPE cohort program is designed for doctoral students from across the state interested in post-secondary policy and practice. This is the third cohort. We had 18 graduates from our first group and 9 students are currently making their way through the dissertation process from the second. The cohort comes together once a month for five meetings per semester and again twice in the summer. So you have to catch them when their in town!
The second date is also on a Friday evening. Jim Savage, recent graduate of the UK History department, will be giving a talk on his experiences with conducting oral history interviews with members of the KCTCS administration. This interview collection will be used by Richard Angelo's students this spring in EPE690 The Community College. The colloquium is currently scheduled for Friday, February 6th at the Bingham Davis House. More details will be provided. Save the date.
We hope to see you on these coming winter Friday evenings. Stay tuned for details.
Bingham Davis House: http://ukcc.uky.edu/cgi-bin/dynamo?maps.391+campus+0343

Dr. Jane McEldowney Jensen
Associate Professor
Educational Policy Studies & Evaluation
University of Kentucky
Associate Professor
Educational Policy Studies & Evaluation
University of Kentucky