Each year, Anthropology Graduate Student Association (AGSA) invites a leading scholar in anthropology to the University of Kentucky as part of the Distinguished Lecture Series (DLS). The DLS is organized to foster the mutual exchange of ideas among the speaker, anthropology students and faculty, students and faculty in other departments, and the broader public. The event consists of a keynote speech and reception open to the public, and an informal dinner and breakfast for graduate students to interact face-to-face with the speaker. This event, organized and implemented entirely by students, also provides important professional development opportunities such as networking and enhancing skills like fundraising and marketing. The speaker this year, Dr. Rayna Rapp, has promoted multicultural understanding, diversity, and inclusion throughout her career by focusing her research and academic as well as public scholarship on women's interactions with reproductive technologies, disability studies, disability consciousness, and cultural activism around gender, racial-ethnic, and class claims on citizenship in the US and Europe. Location: UK Athletics Association Auditorium Date: 21-Oct-16 Time: 2-4:30 PM |