Friday, October 14, 2016

Fwd: Updated Courses Related to Appalachian Studies, Spring 2017

There are some interesting Graduate courses related to Appalachian Studies coming up this Spring. App studies also has an active grad student group. 

From the Appalachian Center:

Please, find attached our updated courses for the coming spring semester.  Pass this along to any students who may be interested as they are currently enrolling.  Also attached is the Course Announcement for SOC 735, Seminar of Inequalities in Appalachia.  This is a course taught by Dwight Billings, and the full description is included.

Our courses are updated and available on our website:  Stop by and see all our program and faculty have to offer!  Also, encourage students to enroll in our Minor or Undergraduate Certificate Programs and to talk with App. Studies Director, Shaunna Scott about how these Programs can enhance their current Majors.  Here are the link to those pages: Minor,, and Undergraduate Certificate:





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