*EPE 525/773* Special Topics Seminar: “Let’s See: Approaching the History of Education through Photographs” Thursdays, 12:30-3:00
Richard Angelo, Educational Policy Studies and Evaluation, College of Education
This seminar is open to beginning as well as advanced graduate students.
And because it is a “seminar,” the emphasis will be on original research. Alan Trachtenberg’s /Reading American Photographs: Images as History from Mathew Brady to Walker Evans /(1989) is an early and outstanding example of what has become a burgeoning literature. Using appropriate secondary works as guide and inspiration, students will explore a topic of their choice that bears on history of education in Kentucky. The only requirement (aside from the final paper) is that the topic be rooted in one way or another in the photographic collections at our disposal here on campus or on line. (For a sample, see the “Brief Photo Essay on the History of Education in KY” on the EPE website: