Jen Skaggs reports from the UK Bookstore
For everyone who is participating in graduation for your PhD or EdD – here is the scoop on graduation regalia. This information is according to Jessica at the UK Bookstore who was extremely helpful.
To participate in graduation everyone must be wearing the UK Custom Robe – it's a dark blue robe with velvet, UK trimmings. You can view a model of this in the bookstore window. You cannot participate wearing a generic black doctoral robe.
There are two ways you can acquire this regalia:
You may purchase the robe. This purchase also includes the tam, hood and tassel. These pieces are yours to keep. The cost of purchasing is $701.00. The deadline for ordering a robe to purchase is March 15
You may also rent your regalia. When you rent your robe, you also rent your hood, tam, and tassel – but you may keep your tam and tassel and return the robe and hood to the bookstore by May 25th (I think – I'm not sure about that date – I know it's before the end of May.) If the robe & hood is not returned by the deadline – you obviously will have just bought it and your credit card will be charged accordingly. (They were very careful to point this out). The cost of rental is: $179.00. The deadline for reserving a rental is March 18
I also inquired about renting, but purchasing a custom hood (as the hood and hat are what signifies your institution). If you would like to purchase a hood (to keep) if you're renting – the cost is $120.00 for the hood. The deadline for ordering your hood is March 15
When you go to order, all money is expected up front if purchasing, and at the time of pick-up if renting. They will need some time to take measurements and fill out some paperwork when you go so plan accordingly. If you have any other questions – please contact the bookstore and they will be willing to help.