Friday, May 28, 2010

Volunteer Opportunity for Latino Leadership and College Experience Camp

“Si, se puede!” has been the message of the Latino Leadership and College Experience Camp (LLCEC) hosted and coordinated by the Bluegrass Community and Technical College Office of Hispanic/Latino Student Outreach and Support Services since its creation in 2006. This program is the only intensive college preparation summer camp and empowerment program designed for Latino, immigrant and/or ESL students all across the state of Kentucky. Since 2006, 131 Latino, first-generation college and/or ESL students have participated in this free program.

The LLCEC is supported by the Bluegrass Community and Technical College Department of Multiculturalism and Inclusion and is made possible by grant funds and community donations. The camp directors, volunteer staff, college student mentors, and 2010 LLCEC Interns have begun the planning process for this year’s event and are eager for the new participants to arrive in July. Currently 36 new participants and 8 returning LLCEC graduates are signed up to come representing 15 Kentucky communities from Lexington to Louisville to Bowling Green to Florence to Monticello and many many more.

We are looking for passionate instructors willing to teach a college-style course during the week of the camp (July 26-29). Instructors are asked to give 1 hour and 15 minutes twice a week on either a Monday/Wednesday or Tuesday/Thursday time frame just like during a regular college semester. Seminar style courses (2 hours and 30 minutes) once a week are also an option however space is limited.

Please fill out the survey to specify the times, days and subject matter most preferred. Help us impact the futures of the 45 amazing participants.

Thank you in advance for your time and consideration of this program.

Erin Howard, M.A.
Hispanic/Latino Outreach
Bluegrass Community and Technical College

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

EPE Student Group Planning Meeting -- June 3rd at Noon in 122 Taylor -- Pizza Provided

Greetings Everyone,

A second planning meeting for the EPE Student Group has been scheduled for June 3rd (Thursday) at noon in room 122 Taylor.

All are welcome to attend to provide input and to get involved ... and pizza will be provided.

Here are some specific items emerging thus far that the student group may want to tackle: (1) pairing current students with incoming students to aid in the transition of the new students to EPE; (2) planning a greater number of social events; (3) planning one of the colloquiums that EPE sponsors; and (4) working to help create a preview day for admitted students.

We hope to see you there!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Position Open at UofL

NPHC Advisor Position Open

The Student Activities office is seeking an Advisor for the National Pan-Hellenic Council (NPHC).  The NPHC Advisor is responsible for coordinating and advising the National Pan-Hellenic Council, the Executive Board and the nationally affiliated member groups of the NPHC.  This position requires evening and weekend work and is supervised by the Assistant Director of Student Activities /Greek Advisor.  To be considered please electronically submit a letter of interest, resume and letter of support from current supervisor and department head to Tim Moore ( by June 4.  To request a position description, email Tim

Tim Moore
Director Student Activities and Student Activities Center
University of Louisville
Student Activities Office
SAC W310
Louisville KY 40292
502-718-5486 (cell)
502-852-7332 (fax)

International Opportunity

Hong Kong Institute of Education
Hong Kong
14-16 January 2011

The World Universities Forum brings together those with a common concern for the role and future of the university in a changing world.

Never before in their long history have universities faced as many challenges as they do today. We live in times of enormous economic, political and cultural transformation, demanding at times that the very idea of university to be re-imagined. Citizenries and stakeholders now question the relevance and effectiveness of the University in ways they have never done before. In such a context, universities do not only need to re-think and re-frame their purposes and governance, but also communicate effectively with the communities that support them. They also need to take a manifestly pivotal role in addressing the key challenges and opportunities of our times: globalization, environmental sustainability, economic development, social inclusion, and human security.

The World Universities Forum is a forum for the discussion of an agenda that explores the key challenges of our times, challenges that will shape the future role of the University. We have published the draft agenda emerging from our 2010 conference at - please join us at the next conference as we take this discussion a step forward.

The World Universities Forum is held annually in different locations around the world. The Forum was held in Davos, Switzerland in 2008 and 2010; and in conjunction with the Indian Institute of Technology - Bombay, Mumbai, India in 2009. In 2010, it will be hosted by the Hong Kong Institute of Education.

In addition to this impressive lineup of plenary speakers, parallel paper, workshop and colloquium presentations will be made by researchers and administrators from a wide range of fields, institutions and geographical locations. Participants are invited to submit a presentation proposal for a 30-minute paper, 60-minute workshop, or a jointly presented 90-minute colloquium session.

Presenters may also choose to submit their written papers for publication in the peer-refereed Journal of the World Universities Forum. Those who are unable to attend the conference in person are welcome to submit a virtual registration, which allows for submission of a paper for refereeing and possible publication in the journal, as well as an option to upload a video presentation to the conference YouTube channel.

We also invite you to subscribe to our free, monthly email newsletter, and subscribe to our Facebook, RSS or Twitter feeds at .

The deadline for the next round in the call for papers (a title and short abstract) is 10 June 2010. Future deadlines will be announced on the conference website after this date. Proposals are reviewed within two weeks of submission. Full details of the conference can be found at .

We look forward to seeing you in Hong Kong in January.

Yours Sincerely,

Fazal Rizvi
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Illinois, USA

Friday, May 21, 2010

Do You Have An Assistantship or Fellowship for Next Year?

Anyone who has accepted an offer or renewed an assistantship position for next academic year should check with Amberly to make sure your GSAS form has been processed.  This is your "contract" which acknowledges your student/employee status and is MANDATORY for you to be paid correctly and receive your tuition (if part of your position).

Your hiring department initiates the form and then your academic department (EPE) signs off on it.  So there's a two step process and tons of opportunities for miscommunications.  Let's take a good first step for the new academic year and double check.

Have a good weekend!


Congratulations to Jim Cousins

Earlier this year, Jim Cousins, a doctoral students in EPE, was awarded
a fellowship by the Filson Historical Society. A privately-supported
museum and library founded in 1884, the Society is located in downtown
Louisville. In addition to maintaining an extensive collection of
manuscripts, photographs, and ephemera related to Kentucky history,
the Society is home of /Ohio Valley History,/ a peer-reviewed research
journal, and /The Filson/, a quarterly historical magazine.
Jim's dissertation research is focused on higher education in Kentucky
during the late 18th and early 19th centuries. A short piece describing
his research (see attached) will be published in /The Filson's/ upcoming
summer number. Congratulations, Jim! Keep up the good work!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Take Me Out to the Ballpark ...

Mark your calendars.  On June 10th (Thursday), EPE is stepping out to see a Lexington Legends game.  The game starts at 7:05 pm and we'll plan to gather a little before at the baseball park.  Plan to bring family and friends for a fun night at the ballpark!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Incoming Student Seeking Roommate for Fall

One of our incoming master's students, Lauren Thomas, is seeking a roommate for the fall.  So, if you are interested or know of someone who might be in need of a roommate, please contact Lauren at

She will be in town this and next week before beginning an internship during the rest of the summer.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Bon Voyage!

Katrina Hutchison has received a Fulbright Award to conduct post doctoral research in Ghana.  The Fulbright proposal came out of Katrina's dissertation research findings.  The aim of the research and teaching opportunity will be twofold: (a) to examine the newly implemented District Sponsorship Scheme that requires Regions to be responsible for supplying teacher; and (b) to describe regional coordination with All-female Teacher Training Colleges.   The primary aim is to advance female education through the recruitment and training of Ghanaian women teachers.  Congratulations!

Fwd: [EPEFAC:] Mid-South Education Research Association

Mid-South Education Research Association
The MSERA is an educational research association that includes the states of:  Kentucky, Alabama, Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, and Tennessee.   Membership benefits include:
  • Free subscriptions to the MSERA Researcher, the organization's newsletter published four times a year, and Research in the Schools, a nationally-refereed research journal, published twice a year.
  • The opportunity to submit proposals for presentations, symposia, display sessions, or training sessions for the annual meetings, held in November of each year.
  • Electronic access to the Proceedings, which includes all abstracts.
  • For new members, free new member and graduate school breakfasts at the annual meeting.
  • Very reasonable membership and annual meeting fees.
The next annual meeting is scheduled for November 3-5, 2010 in Mobile Alabama.  Information about membership and the call for presentation proposals can found on the MSERA web site:    Instructions for papers, training sessions, displays, or symposiums are available.  The deadline for presentation proposal submission is June 30, 2010.
The MSERA also offers opportunities for graduate students such as Research in Progress presentation sessions, graduate student social gatherings, and a jobs posting board.
Please forward this information to interested faculty to share among themselves and their graduate students.
If you have any questions, please contact me at:
Dr. JoAnna Dickey,  Educational Consultant
Best Regards,
JoAnna Dickey, Ph.D.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Time to visit May 12 with an incoming master's student?

Hi All

We having an incoming master's student (student affairs concentration) who will be coming into town on Wed. (May 12th) searching for a place to live for the fall.  If you would have some time to visit with her (coffee or something) or to email her concerning housing recommendations, please contact Neal Hutchens (


Friday, May 7, 2010

Unsung Heroes

You go back to the library for more try not to yell at your partner, pet, or pals.  All this in order to finish your quals and then the wait....the two weeks of fretting while your committee thinks of difficult questions.  Then you meet.  You sweat (delicately of course) and you THINK really hard.

To do all this and be forgotten is just plain wrong.

CONGRATULATIONS to Becky Unites (SHED) and Tara Baas (SHED on successfully passing your qualifying exams!

And...this just in...kudos to Pangie Dawson (SHED) on winning the Bonnie Cox fellowship from Gender and Women's Studies.

Bon Voyage! (across town) to Farrah Dicken (HIED09) who is going to Transylvania University as their new Assistant Director of Residence Life in August.

And a belated Congratulations to Richard Roe (KCTCS-EdD) on the acceptance of his article, "Considering quality control in distance education" to the Kentucky Journal of College Teaching and Learning.

Most Recent Kudos

Congratulations to Paul Lovelace (SHED) on winning the James Brown Summer Fellowship for his work in Appalachia and to Simona Balaz (SHED) on receiving an Office of International Affairs tuition award for next year.

Kudos to Dr. Jen Skaggs (SHED) on a successful defense yesterday of her dissertation, "I'm just a boy with girl parts": Understanding Gender Perception and Negotiation in an Undergraduate Engineering Program

Kudos as well to Dr. Chris Wright (SHED) on her dissertation defense last week.  Her thesis is entitled:  Why do they go?  Community college students and post-secondary pursuits in Central Appalachia.

Mazel tov to Jen Haight (HIED) on her engagement!  Just moments before our gathering at Pazzo's last night, Jen was surprised with a proposal...ask her to tell you the story!

And It's About Time! to Derek Ball on his successful completion of his Masters degree.

Best wishes to everyone attending graduation this weekend!

Monday, May 3, 2010

End of semester celebration

EPE End of Semester and Year Faculty / Student Celebration.  
Thursday, May 6 at 5pm at Pazzo's.

Come celebrate all of the hard work this year.  
A toast to all the qualifying exams passed, and  masters and dissertation defenses