Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Fwd: [EPEFAC:] Mid-South Education Research Association

Mid-South Education Research Association
The MSERA is an educational research association that includes the states of:  Kentucky, Alabama, Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, and Tennessee.   Membership benefits include:
  • Free subscriptions to the MSERA Researcher, the organization's newsletter published four times a year, and Research in the Schools, a nationally-refereed research journal, published twice a year.
  • The opportunity to submit proposals for presentations, symposia, display sessions, or training sessions for the annual meetings, held in November of each year.
  • Electronic access to the Proceedings, which includes all abstracts.
  • For new members, free new member and graduate school breakfasts at the annual meeting.
  • Very reasonable membership and annual meeting fees.
The next annual meeting is scheduled for November 3-5, 2010 in Mobile Alabama.  Information about membership and the call for presentation proposals can found on the MSERA web site:    Instructions for papers, training sessions, displays, or symposiums are available.  The deadline for presentation proposal submission is June 30, 2010.
The MSERA also offers opportunities for graduate students such as Research in Progress presentation sessions, graduate student social gatherings, and a jobs posting board.
Please forward this information to interested faculty to share among themselves and their graduate students.
If you have any questions, please contact me at:
Dr. JoAnna Dickey,  Educational Consultant
Best Regards,
JoAnna Dickey, Ph.D.