Tuesday, May 25, 2010

International Opportunity

Hong Kong Institute of Education
Hong Kong
14-16 January 2011

The World Universities Forum brings together those with a common concern for the role and future of the university in a changing world.

Never before in their long history have universities faced as many challenges as they do today. We live in times of enormous economic, political and cultural transformation, demanding at times that the very idea of university to be re-imagined. Citizenries and stakeholders now question the relevance and effectiveness of the University in ways they have never done before. In such a context, universities do not only need to re-think and re-frame their purposes and governance, but also communicate effectively with the communities that support them. They also need to take a manifestly pivotal role in addressing the key challenges and opportunities of our times: globalization, environmental sustainability, economic development, social inclusion, and human security.

The World Universities Forum is a forum for the discussion of an agenda that explores the key challenges of our times, challenges that will shape the future role of the University. We have published the draft agenda emerging from our 2010 conference athttp://ontheuniversity.com/ideas/action-agenda/ - please join us at the next conference as we take this discussion a step forward.

The World Universities Forum is held annually in different locations around the world. The Forum was held in Davos, Switzerland in 2008 and 2010; and in conjunction with the Indian Institute of Technology - Bombay, Mumbai, India in 2009. In 2010, it will be hosted by the Hong Kong Institute of Education.

In addition to this impressive lineup of plenary speakers, parallel paper, workshop and colloquium presentations will be made by researchers and administrators from a wide range of fields, institutions and geographical locations. Participants are invited to submit a presentation proposal for a 30-minute paper, 60-minute workshop, or a jointly presented 90-minute colloquium session.

Presenters may also choose to submit their written papers for publication in the peer-refereed Journal of the World Universities Forum. Those who are unable to attend the conference in person are welcome to submit a virtual registration, which allows for submission of a paper for refereeing and possible publication in the journal, as well as an option to upload a video presentation to the conference YouTube channel.

We also invite you to subscribe to our free, monthly email newsletter, and subscribe to our Facebook, RSS or Twitter feeds athttp://ontheuniversity.com .

The deadline for the next round in the call for papers (a title and short abstract) is 10 June 2010. Future deadlines will be announced on the conference website after this date. Proposals are reviewed within two weeks of submission. Full details of the conference can be found at http://www.UniversitiesForum.com .

We look forward to seeing you in Hong Kong in January.

Yours Sincerely,

Fazal Rizvi
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Illinois, USA