You go back to the library for more try not to yell at your partner, pet, or pals. All this in order to finish your quals and then the wait....the two weeks of fretting while your committee thinks of difficult questions. Then you meet. You sweat (delicately of course) and you THINK really hard.
To do all this and be forgotten is just plain wrong.
CONGRATULATIONS to Becky Unites (SHED) and Tara Baas (SHED on successfully passing your qualifying exams!
And...this just in...kudos to Pangie Dawson (SHED) on winning the Bonnie Cox fellowship from Gender and Women's Studies.
Bon Voyage! (across town) to Farrah Dicken (HIED09) who is going to Transylvania University as their new Assistant Director of Residence Life in August.
And a belated Congratulations to Richard Roe (KCTCS-EdD) on the acceptance of his article, "Considering quality control in distance education" to the Kentucky Journal of College Teaching and Learning.