Monday, September 6, 2010

EPE Student Group Update/Brown Bag Reminder


As the semester gears up to full speed, here are some updates in relation to the re-energized EPE Student Group.

First, the EPE Student Group is almost an official, registered student organization, which will  give us access to such things as potential funding opportunities.  We will have an announcement very soon about the slate of inaugural officers.  Also, elections will be held in the Spring for next year's officers so think about getting involved with the organization.  Much appreciation to Chris Thuringer for working on the constitution and the group's registration!

Below are some dates and items to keep in mind:

(1) The first Brown Bag session on using EndNote will take place this Wednesday (Sept. 8th) at Noon.  Please note the room has changed to 245 Taylor Building.  Dr. Eric Reed, a faculty member in EPE, and Mr. Michael Stapleton, who works with technology at KCTS and is a doctoral student in EPE, will lead the session.  

(2) Second EndNote Brown Bag on Sept. 29th (Wednesday) at Noon.  Room changed to 245 Taylor Building.

(3) Outing to Southland Bowling Lanes on Sept. 26th (Sunday).  Plans are still forming, but the general idea is to go bowling on Sunday afternoon (probably around 2 or 3) and then get some dinner at a nearby restaurant for those who are interested.

(4) Keeneland outing on Oct. 17th (Sunday) for some racing and fun.  Mark your calendars and and more details will be forthcoming about this event.

(5) Students interested in impromptu gatherings at places like Pazzo's are encouraged to take advantage of the EPE Facebook group to see about getting folks together.  You can use the RSVP feature or just post the plans. 

(6) Finally, be on the look out for other EPE Student Group events during the semester, and don't miss opportunities to get involved!