Monday, November 4, 2013

Comparative and International Education Society

Call for Proposals

The Comparative and International Education Society (CIES) is pleased to announce its 58th Annual Conference, which will be held at the Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel, in Toronto, Canada from March 10-15, 2014.

This year’s conference theme, “Revisioning Education for All”, is intended to provide our scholarly community with an opportunity to critically and comparatively reflect on the history, contemporary issues and future of the EFA movement in a global context marked by rising social and income inequality within and between nations and shifts in the global balance of power. Is EFA the right frame, the right social imaginary, for global and national education goals? Or is it a frame that has outlived its utility and relevance? Critics have argued that EFA is meaningless if it does not address equity of learning outcomes and bridge widening inequality of access to higher levels of learning. Some view EFA as too tightly tied to traditional models of schooling, outdated in a time of massive technological innovation. Others are intent on adding new, highly prescriptive learning goals into a post 2015 vision for EFA. More broadly, EFA has been viewed as a Western effort to legitimate economic globalization – providing little more than a bandage on more grievous forms of social injustices within and across nations. Yet others note that the EFA agenda has played an important role in one of the most rapid expansions of access to schooling in modern history.

CIES Toronto will provide a unique opportunity to reflect on EFA during the final months leading up to the deadline for achieving the Millennium Development Goals. We will ask conference participants, including researchers, representatives of global institutions, civil society, and education practitioners, to explore the adequacy and future of EFA, moving us beyond the historical focus on access to basic schooling. Our goal will be to spark new conversations about inequality, inclusion and innovation both inter-nationally and within nations and about global governance in education.

We also encourage scholars of other levels of education – from early childhood through to adult education and tertiary level learning, as well as those interested in learning outside formal educational systems - to share their views on a reinvigorated framing of the “education for all” concept.

Proposal Dates and Categories

With the above in mind, the CIES 2014 Conference Committee invites you to submit proposals in the following categories:
  • Individual papers
  • Individual posters
  • Group poster sessions
  • Group panel sessions
  • Workshops

New this year we are seeking proposals for posters sessions – groups of individual posters organized on a common theme, topic, question, method etc., and presented as part of a group session. Common at AERA, this is a highly effective way of presenting a joint book or research project in which there are multiple sub-projects or parallel chapters being produced. Group poster sessions may include a brief introduction by the session proposer.
All proposals should contribute to the advancement of theory, practice, methodology or fieldwork in comparative and international education.
The early bird deadline is October 4th, 2013. The final deadline for all submitted proposals is November 15, 2013.Proposals should be electronically submitted through the Click here to submit proposal: CIES online submission system, and comply with the requirements detailed in the guidelines below. Proposals that do not comply with these requirements will not be considered for inclusion in the program.
CIES membership is required to present at the Conference. If you are not currently a member of CIES please take a few minutes and become a member


Final submission deadline: November 15, 2013