Thursday, February 24, 2011

Assistantships in Academic Enhancement 2011-2012

The following is from our friend and EPE doctoral student, Jim Breslin (SHED).

FYI: Academic Enhancement offers academic support programs and consultations to UK students including EPE174, a credit bearing course that meets general education social science credit and is modeled after our higher education graduate courses.  A full description of their programs are in the linked job posting.  Students interested in academic affairs, student affairs, and student development should definitely apply for these assistantships.  Note:  18 hours of graduate coursework are required to teach EPE174, but there are often other kinds of opportunities in AE if you are a new grad student.

I wanted to let you know that we currently have a posting to recruit GAs and TAs for the coming academic year.  Here's a direct link to the posting: http://<><>.  If you would distribute this info and/or post it on the blog, we would be most grateful!  Of course, if there are incoming EPE students that you think would be interested/a good fit, please keep sending them our way!  Finally, we're reviewing applications on a rolling basis and encouraging folks to apply soon.

Thanks so much!

James D. Breslin
Assistant Director
UK Academic Enhancement
The Study
306B Complex Commons
Lexington, KY 40526-0147

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Town Gown Lecture online

If you missed the series you can catch it here:

Lecture by Omar Blaik, U3 Ventures.

CIEE Ping Doctoral Research Fellowships

    Ping Doctoral Research Fellowships

 CIEE is pleased, once again, to offer the Ping Doctoral Research Fellowships  providing support for doctoral research focused on U.S. undergraduate study abroad.

CIEE: Council on International Educational
 Exchange invites Directors of Graduate Studies (or in the absence of a departmental DGS, a Chair) to nominate a qualified doctoral candidate for a Ping Fellowship. These Fellowships, funded through a small endowment, are named after Dr. Charles Ping, President Emeritus of Ohio University and a long-time former Chairman of the CIEE Board of Directors.

 During the 2011-2012 academic year, CIEE will provide up to two $20,000 Ping Doctoral Research Fellowships to outstanding doctoral candidates.
 Please visit the CIEE website here
 for details about eligibility, requirements, and the nomination of candidates.
If you have any questions, please contact me at

Michael Vande Berg, Ph.D.
Vice President for Academic Affairs

 CIEE, 300 Fore Street, Portland, Maine 04101  |

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Reminder: Brown Bag on Conference Proposal Writing on Wed. at 12:30

Reminder:  Dr. Kelly Bradley will be presenting a brown bag presentation tomorrow (Wed.) on conference proposal writing.  The session will be at 12:30 pm in Taylor 122.  Hope to see you there!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Brown Bag with Dr. Kelly Bradley

Thinking about submitting a proposal to present at an academic conference?  Dr. Kelly Bradley, a faculty member in EPE, will share strategies for converting your class papers and projects into conference presentations and, ultimately, into publishable manuscripts. The presentation represents a great opportunity to ask questions and learn from a very successful researcher regarding how to put together an effective conference proposal.  So, bring your lunch and plan to take advantage of this valuable workshop!

2011 KACADA Conference

The purpose of the Kentucky Academic Advising Association is to increase recognition for academic advising as a profession and to support the development and professional growth of academic advisors in higher education in the Commonwealth of Kentucky.  For further details on the 2011 KACADA Conference, visit .

Conference for Research on Children at Risk

Call for Posters:

Interdisciplinary Graduate Student Conference for Research on Children at Risk:
Diverse Perspectives on Vulnerability in Childhood and Adolescence

The first annual Interdisciplinary Graduate Student Conference for Research on Children at Risk will convene at the University of Kentucky in Lexington on April 14th and 15th, 2011.  The theme for this conference is diverse perspectives (e.g. biological, psychological, or sociological, etc) on vulnerability in childhood and adolescence.  Researchers in a variety of disciplines have identified childhood events and conditions that affect the risk of experiencing adverse outcomes in youth or adulthood.  This conference is broad in scope, addressing a range of risk and protective factors that shape children’s current or future health and development.  We welcome research on substance abuse, cognitive and educational outcomes, physical and mental health, social inequalities, peer and family interactions, as well as other topics.  Ideally, this interdisciplinary conference will offer research that is comprehensible and interesting to a wide scientific audience.  Online poster submission from graduate students at any stage of training and from all disciplines will be accepted beginning in February. 
Authors of posters selected for presentation will receive a $50 honorarium.  The posters will be eligible for first ($300), second ($200), and third ($100) place prizes. 
Please check the Children at Risk Research Cluster website regularly for updates and poster application forms.  Applications and abstracts are due March 21, 2011, to  You may also contact Dr. Milich if you have questions. Posters will be printed by the Psychology department. 

This conference is sponsored by the Center for Drug Abuse Research Translation – CDART and the Children at Risk Research Cluster – CAR.

Spring Research Conference

Dear faculty and students,

The 2011 Spring Research Conference is just around the corner! This year’s conference will be hosted by the University of Cincinnati on April 16th, 2011 at the Duke Energy Convention Center in downtown Cincinnati.

The Spring Research Conference is an annual conference jointly sponsored by the University of Cincinnati, the University of Kentucky, and the University of Louisville that provides students with an opportunity to present completed research and works in progress. The research conference takes place in a friendly but formal setting, and presenters receive constructive feedback from faculty and colleagues.

Both faculty and graduate students can register to attend the conference, and graduate students can also register to present a paper or poster describing their research efforts.

The deadline to register for conference attendance is April 5th, 2011. The deadline to register to present at the conference is March 19th, 2011.

For more information and to register to attend or present at this year’s conference, please visit the 2011 Spring Research Conference website at

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Marcie Turner (; 513-556-4267) or Purvi Mehta (; 513-556-4268), Gabbard Associates in the Office of the Dean at the University of Cincinnati’s College of Education, Criminal Justice, and Human Services.

Congratulations to Ricardo Nazario y Colon

Ricardo, EPE doctoral student, has just published two books of poetry:
"Of Jibaros and Hillbillies" and "The Recital." (please excuse the absence of diacritcal marks!)
Congratulations to this writing between Puerto Rico and Affrilachia.



Feb 20th  Last day to submit online degree application
Feb 20th  Last day to submit a Notification of Intent to receive a May 2011 degree (NOTIF online)
Feb 23rd  Last day to sit for Qualify Examination if booked in 769 (Disregard if in EPE767)
April 7th   Last day to submit Request for Final Doctoral Examination (online)
April 21st  Last day to sit for a Final Examination to receive a May 2011 degree
May 6th   Last day for candidates to submit the final copies of the dissertation

Reminder to Doctoral candidates:  As the Graduate School site states, "In order to provide sufficient time for the Graduate School to identify an outside examiner, you must submit the NOTIF a minimum of eight weeks prior to the anticipated defense date. To prevent multiple submissions of the NOTIF, this step should not be completed until a complete draft of the dissertation has been submitted to your committee chair for review."  Policy in our department is that you must have approval of the majority of your committee as well as your committee chair to submit your Notification of Intent to Schedule Final Exam.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Funds for study abroad

Please note that graduate students are eligible to apply for these funds:
There is more than $100,000 available for students who want to study abroad this
summer or fall 2011. Individual awards range from $750 to $1,500. Applications are
due March 1, 2011. Would you please share this information with your colleagues and
students. You can view or print our poster

In addition to this award, there are a variety of other funding options available to
support students who want to study abroad. Scholarships are offered by several of
our colleges and there is a wide range of national sources (i.e., Boren, Gilman) and
destination specific sources (i.e., DAAD for Germany, Bridging Scholarship for
Japan, etc). In most cases, UK students continue to receive their financial aid
packages while they are abroad. Plus, there are many inexpensive exchange programs
available that allow UK students to study abroad for little more than studying here
in Lexington.

Please encourage your students to attend our new information session, "You Can't
Afford Not to Go."  The next scheduled presentation is Tuesday, February 15, 3-4
p.m. in 207 Bradley Hall.  Thank you.


Anthony C. Ogden, Ph.D.
Director, Education Abroad

University of Kentucky
Office of International Affairs
304 Bradley Hall
Lexington, KY 40506-0058

Tel. 859.257.4067, ext. 236

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Deadline for College of Education Scholarships Next Week!

Reminder that COE applications for scholarships are due February 15th!  Please make sure to get your recommendation letter requests in asap (or last week).  Here's the application:

Monday, February 7, 2011

Global Research call for applications

Framing the Global Research and Publication Project
Call for Applications
Deadline: March 10, 2011

Scholars pursuing research in global studies are invited to apply for
participation as Fellows in the Framing the Global working group.
Framing the Global is a 5-year project at Indiana University,
Bloomington, that will develop new interdisciplinary knowledge,
approaches, and methods in the field of global research and apply them
to the study of global processes. The project is a joint initiative of
Indiana University Press and the Center for the Study of Global
Change. During the project period, each fellow will be expected to
participate in working group meetings; reconsider approaches to global
studies; prepare a theoretical working paper, to be published in print
and electronically by IUP; and to develop a book manuscript, also to
be published by IUP.

Fellows will receive a total of $15,000 for their sustained commitment
to the project. This includes $4,000/year for participation during the
first two years; $5,000 during the third year to conduct empirical
research that employs the analytical frameworks and methods developed
during the first two years; and $2,000 as they are completing their

Fifteen fellows will be selected from social science, humanities, and
professional fields. Scholars with any disciplinary or regional
expertise will be considered. Successful applicants will fulfill the
following criteria:

   * be engaged in an active, significant research project involving
globalization, global studies or transnational phenomena;

   * have an interest in theoretical and methodological issues in the
study of global processes;

   * have a history of publication dealing directly with the subject
of globalization, global studies or transnational phenomena;

   * be prepared to begin a book manuscript within one year, drawing
on the interdisciplinary conversation of the working group;

   * commit to participating in the project for five years.

Required application materials:

The following application materials, including letters of support,
must be submitted by March 10, 2011:

   * Research project statement (500-600 words). Describe a research
project or topic that you would pursue as a participant in Framing the
Global that would result in a theoretical paper and a book manuscript.
Explain how this project relates to or expands on your current or
recent work or moves in a different direction.

   * Explain how the project would advance our understanding of
globalization, global studies or transnational phenomena (300 words).

   * Include a brief summary of how your past work has been global in
scope (300 words).

   * Curriculum vitae.

   * Letters of support from three people familiar with your work
(submitted separately by letter writers), including, if relevant, a
letter from your department chair.

Application Procedure:

Applications must be submitted electronically. To apply as a new
applicant, click "Register now!" To return to a current online
application, click "Login now!"

Find more information here:

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Guide to Social Science Grants

The Quantitative Institute for Policy and Social Research (QIPSR) will be holding
the following event:  An Insider's Guide to Social Science Grants on Friday,
February 18, 2011 from 2:00 - 4:00 pm, Whitehall Classroom Building 102.  For more
information regarding this event, please see the attached flyer.

If you're interested in future QIPSR Workshops, please visit

Best wishes,

Mary Boulton
University of Kentucky
Center for Poverty Research
302D Mathews Building
Lexington, KY  40506-0047
Phone: 859-257-7641
Fax: 859-257-6959

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

lecture of interest

Announcing "Place Matters," a speaker series sponsored by the Appalachian Studies
Program and the College of Arts and Sciences: 
Professor Ann Kingsolver, Department of Anthropology, University of South Carolina 
"'Placing' Futures and Making Sense of Globalization on the Edge of Appalachia"

Discussants:         Mary Anglin (Anthropology/UK) 
                        Keiko Tanaka (Sociology and Asia Center/UK)

Reception Following

Thursday February 24, 3:30- 5:30 p.m.
John Jacob Niles Gallery