Thursday, December 15, 2016

Please Help!

Dear EPE students and recent alumni,


As part of the department's periodic review process (required every 5 or so years by SACS), we are asked to include a compilation of student research-related activity for 2011-2016.  Could you please send the following to Katie Cross (, copied to Dr. Goldstein ( Alternatively, you may add the information directly to the Google Doc we are working on here:


* Conference presentations (conference name, date, title of paper/poster,


* Publications, including articles, books, reviews, white papers/policy briefs, multimedia, etc. (full citation)

* Awards, funding and scholarships (might include for research activities, travel, academic merit, teaching-related)

* Ongoing projects and collaborations, especially with EPE faculty or related to your activities in EPE

* Significant job changes and promotions


If in doubt, please include the information.


We will begin collecting these data more systematically later this year for future use. For now, your support of EPE's effort to produce a comprehensive report is much appreciated.


All the best for a restful and joyous holiday season.


Dr. Beth Goldstein

Chair, EPE


Katie Cross

Student Services Assistant, EPE


Friday, November 4, 2016

Wise words from Alumna Dana Malone

Dana has recently published an article in About Campus, the peer reviewed magazine from ACPA.  "Stepping Back but Not Out: Creating Options" is an essay on choices of motherhood and scholarship.  And look for Dana's new book coming soon from Rutgers Press: Getting Intimate: Relationships, Gender, and Sexuality on American Evangelical Universities.

Congratulations Dana!

Friday, October 14, 2016

Fwd: Updated Courses Related to Appalachian Studies, Spring 2017

There are some interesting Graduate courses related to Appalachian Studies coming up this Spring. App studies also has an active grad student group. 

From the Appalachian Center:

Please, find attached our updated courses for the coming spring semester.  Pass this along to any students who may be interested as they are currently enrolling.  Also attached is the Course Announcement for SOC 735, Seminar of Inequalities in Appalachia.  This is a course taught by Dwight Billings, and the full description is included.

Our courses are updated and available on our website:  Stop by and see all our program and faculty have to offer!  Also, encourage students to enroll in our Minor or Undergraduate Certificate Programs and to talk with App. Studies Director, Shaunna Scott about how these Programs can enhance their current Majors.  Here are the link to those pages: Minor,, and Undergraduate Certificate:





Sent from Gmail Mobile

Thursday, October 6, 2016

Fwd: [EPEFAC:] Anthropology Distinguished Lecture Series

16th Annual Distinguished Lecture Series in Anthropology - 21 Oct 2016, 2-4:30p, UKAA Auditorium

Each year, Anthropology Graduate Student Association (AGSA) invites a leading scholar in anthropology to the University of Kentucky as part of the Distinguished Lecture Series (DLS). The DLS is organized to foster the mutual exchange of ideas among the speaker, anthropology students and faculty, students and faculty in other departments, and the broader public.

The event consists of a keynote speech and reception open to the public, and an informal dinner and breakfast for graduate students to interact face-­to-­face with the speaker. This event, organized and implemented entirely by students, also provides important professional development opportunities such as networking and enhancing skills like fundraising and marketing.

The speaker this year, Dr. Rayna Rapp, has promoted multicultural understanding, diversity, and inclusion throughout her career by focusing her research and academic as well as public scholarship on women's interactions with reproductive technologies, disability studies, disability consciousness, and cultural activism around gender, racial-ethnic, and class claims on citizenship in the US and Europe.

Location: UK Athletics Association Auditorium
Date: 21-Oct-16
Time: 2-4:30 PM



Copyright © 2016 Graduate Student Congress, All rights reserved.

Graduate Student Congress · 106 Gillis Building · Lexington, KY 40506 · USA

Dr. Jane McEldowney Jensen
Associate Professor
Educational Policy Studies & Evaluation
Chellgren Professor 
Chellgren Center for Undergraduate Excellence
University of Kentucky
(859) 257-1929

Friday, September 9, 2016

New article on transfer

Dr. Mike Rosenberg (EdD Cohort Two) recently published an article based on his dissertation research in the Community College Journal of Research and Practice. "Understanding the Adult Transfer Student -- Support, Concerns, and Transfer Student Capital" was solicited by the journal for a special edition.

In case you'd like to have a look, here's a link to it:

Congratulations Mike!

Thursday, August 18, 2016

Back to School Kudos!

Congratulations to Tracey Folden (EdD Cohort 2) on her new position at the University of Evansville as the Assistant VP for Academic Affairs and Title IX Director. Tracey is also working on her dissertation examining the experiences of "soldier-students" in higher education.

And Kudos to Kirsten Turner (MS-HIED) on her promotion at the University of Kentucky to Associate Provost of Academic Excellence Operations.  Following completion of her PhD at the University of Virginia, Kirsten served for 12 years as the Chief of Staff in the College of Arts and Sciences at UK.

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Fwd: LINKS Center summer workshop on social network analysis, June 6-10, 2016

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Borgatti, Steve <>
Date: Tue, Mar 15, 2016 at 3:49 PM
Subject: LINKS Center summer workshop on social network analysis, June 6-10, 2016
To: "Alan J. Daly" <>, "Ferrare, Joseph James" <>
Cc: "Jensen, Jane M" <>, Cindy Jong <>

Hi folks, can you blast this out to any relevant listservs or individuals in education?  Thanks much




The LINKS Center at the University of Kentucky is offering its annual 1-week summer workshop on social network analysis June 6-10, 2016 on the University of Kentucky campus. Registration opens March 30th and closes May 15th. To sign up, visit  Students pay half-price.


The workshop features LINKS Center faculty Steve Borgatti, Dan Brass, Eric Gladstone, Dan Halgin, Joe Labianca, Ajay Mehra, and Scott Soltis, as well as guest instructors Filip Agneessens, Kristin Cullen-Lester, Alan Daly, Rich DeJordy, Joe Ferrare, Jeff Johnson, David Krackhardt, Tom Valente and Phil Willburn. In addition, all of the sessions are assisted by a cadre of students and recent graduates in order to ensure that participants are able to obtain personalized attention. We encourage participants to bring their own data and work with our 27 instructors and TAs to analyze the data.


The workshop features four major, concurrent tracks for the first four days, followed by three choices of area-specific sessions on the final day, as well as one methodological option. At the end of each day, we also offer multiple 1.5 hour short modules on specialized topics, as well as a data lab for analyzing your own data. Finally, we offer a number of 45-minute consultations with LINKS Center faculty to discuss your research.


MAJOR TRACKS (4 days each; Monday-Thursday)


Introduction to Social Network Analysis. Led by Dan Halgin and Dan Brass (U. of Kentucky). Includes a theoretical and empirical overview of the field, followed by a comprehensive survey of the concepts and methods of social network analysis, including data collection, data management, centrality, social capital, cohesion, and hypothesis testing. In addition, participants participate in lab sessions to learn how to use network analysis software, including UCINET and NetDraw.


Introduction to Analyzing Social Network Data. Led by Rich DeJordy (Northeastern). A more software- and data-oriented version of Introduction to SNA that covers most of the same concepts as Intro but focuses more on using the software and devotes a bit more time to interpreting the equations & formulas that define many network concepts. Includes lab sessions in which participants work through analysis exercises using the UCINET and NetDraw software.


Intermediate Network Analysis. Led by Steve Borgatti (U. of Kentucky). For people interested in both a deeper and broader look at network concepts and methods. Topics include advanced centrality methods, measuring network change, advanced approaches to 2-mode data, analyzing negative ties, working with multiple relations, and integrating node attributes with network measures. This module also introduces participants to UCINET's command-line and batch processing capabilities.


Stochastic Network Models. Led by Filip Agneessens (U. of Surrey). This course provides an introduction to exponential random graph models (ERGMs) and stochastic actor-based models for network dynamics (as implemented in SIENA). The course will focus on hands-on use of MPNet and RSiena and on the interpretation of output. An introduction to the R analysis language (needed for RSiena) will also be provided during the workshop.


AREA-SPECIFIC TRACKS (1 day each; Friday)


Networks and Education. Led by Alan Daly (UC San Diego) and Joe Ferrare (U. of Kentucky). Applying the social network perspective to education research and policy.


Networks and Health. Led by Tom Valente (USC). Social network theory and method in the context of understanding health-related behaviors, interventions and disease epidemiology.


Networks and Leadership. Led by Phil Willburn and Kristin Cullen-Lester, who spearhead the network initiative at the Center for Creative Leadership. The session covers the latest research and practice on networks and leadership.


UCINET in Depth. Led by Rich DeJordy and Steve Borgatti. In this module we work with real data from articles published in Administrative Science Quarterly, Management Science, among others, and show how to work the data from initial import to reproduction of published results. We also will work with any datasets the participants are willing to share.


MINI-MODULES (1.5 hours each, Monday-Thursday after 4pm)


The mini-modules are short sessions on specialized topics. Some focus on research design topics, others on using specialized software, and still others on handling particular kinds of data. Past offerings have included: managing your IRB, managing your research site, working with SNA packages in R, handling archival data, working with cognitive social structure data, working with 2-mode data, analyzing negative ties, collection and analysis of ego-network data, and more.


In addition, each day we offer a data lab where people can bring their data and have someone experienced with the software help them with the analysis.


1-ON-1 CONSULTATIONS (45-minute slots available Tuesday-Friday)


We provide opportunities for participants to discuss their research in depth with Joe Labianca, Jeff Johnson, Ajay Mehra, and Scott Soltis.



Please note that the largest modules are capped at about 55 participants, so you might want to register soon after registration opens (March 30). Registration closes May 15.

For more information, please visit the workshop website: or use the shorter .






Stephen P. Borgatti

Paul Chellgren Chair of Management

LINKS Center for Social Network Analysis

Gatton College of Business and Economics

University of Kentucky


Dr. Jane McEldowney Jensen
Associate Professor
Educational Policy Studies & Evaluation
University of Kentucky
(I also use