Thursday, April 24, 2014

Fwd: Paul P. Fidler Research Grant - Call for Proposals

Call for Proposals

2014-2015 Paul P. Fidler Research Grant


The National Resource Center for The First-Year Experience and Students in Transition invites applications for the 2014-2015 Paul P. Fidler Research Grant. The Paul P. Fidler Research Grant is designed to encourage the development and dissemination of knowledge to improve the experiences of college students in transition. 

With an award package that includes a stipend, travel to two national conferences, a presentation at a national conference, and priority consideration for publication, the Paul P. Fidler Research Grant supports and promotes research with the potential to have a national or international impact on student success. The Center invites applicants to submit proposals for research projects addressing a variety of topics, which may include underrepresented student populations, community colleges, advising, transfer and articulation, career development, and other issues related to college student transitions. 


Comprehensive Award Package 

·                     Stipend of $5,000

·                     Travel to the 21st National Conference on Students in Transition, October 2014, in Denver, Colorado, at which the award will be presented

·                     Announcement and recognition at the 20th National Conference on Students in Transition luncheon

·                     Travel to the 22nd National Conference on Students in Transition, October 2015, at which the research findings will be reported

·                     Announcement on the National Resource Center webpage, listservs, and print publications

·                     Priority consideration for publication by the National Resource Center for The First-Year Experience and Students in Transition 


Application and Submission Deadline

Grant submission officially opens on April 1, 2014.  The application form may be accessed at and must be submitted electronically using the online form by 11:59 PM Eastern Time, July 1, 2014.

Past Recipients:


2013-14 Award - Forrest Lane and Georgianna Martin

Examining the Importance of Attachment and Engagement in Predicting GPA across Stages of Transfer Student Transition


2012-13 Award – Jacob Okumu

Developmental Meaning-Making Dynamics of Emancipated Foster Care Youth Transitioning into Higher Education: A Constructivist-Grounded Theory


2011-12 Award – Kristin Moser

Redefining Transfer Student Success: Transfer Capital and the Laanan-Transfer Students' Questionnaire (L-TSQ) Revisited


2010-11 Award – Paul J. McLoughlin II

High-Achieving Low-Income Students: How Low-Income Students on Full Financial Aid are Navigating an Elite College 


2009-10 Award – Rachel Smith
Connected in Learning: A Mixed Methods Study of First-Year Students' Academic and Social Networks



Dallin George Young, Ph.D.

Assistant Director for Research, Grants, and Assessment

National Resource Center for The First-Year Experience and Students in Transition

University of South Carolina



[office] 803.777.2134

[address] 1718 College Street, Columbia, SC  29208


------------------------------------------------------------------ The FYA-List webpage - complete with an archive of past essays - can be found at

Additional assessment resources can be found at

For information about our Center's conferences, publications, and other resources, please visit our home page at

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Questions about the FYA-List should be directed to

Listservs of the National Resource Center for The First-Year Experience and Students in Transition are intended for non-commercial use only. ------------------------------------------------------------------

Dr. Jane McEldowney Jensen
Associate Professor
Educational Policy Studies & Evaluation
University of Kentucky

Thursday, April 17, 2014

EPE Happy Hour Tonight at Pazzo's

Good morning!

In order to provide more people the opportunity to come to the event, this week's happy hour social will be tonight (Thursday) at Pazzo's Pizza Pub (385 S Limestone St.) instead of the usual Friday, from 5:30-8:00pm. Please stop by after or before your evening classes to say hello!

Jessica Horohov
Graduate Assistant, Evaluation Center
Education Policy Studies & Evaluation
143D Taylor Ed. Building
Lexington, KY  40506

Thursday, April 10, 2014

EPE Department Happy Hour - April 11th, 6:00pm

Hello EPE Students, Faculty, and Staff!

This week's EPE Grad Student Council Happy Hour social event will be at Dr. Jensen's house (120 Sherman Avenue, just off Richmond Road near Henry Clay's Ashland).

Please bring drinks and any light appetizers or cheeses that you wish to share. Families and significant others welcome.

Hope to see you there tomorrow!

Jessica Horohov, M.S.Ed.
Graduate Assistant
U.Ky. Education Policy Studies & Evaluation
143D Taylor Ed. Building
Lexington, KY  40506

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Voices of Student Veterans

 Consider attending the play Voices of Student Veterans this Sunday afternoon.  & .

The play is without doubt your best opportunity to gain understanding into the challenges facing our student veterans.  The script is pulled directly from our Combat to Kentucky oral history interviews .   You will be moved by these young actors as they tell 5 compelling stories of service, sacrifice and transition to the classroom.

Please help me spread the word.  I hope to see you there.



Anthony G. Dotson
The University of Kentucky
Veterans Resource Center Coordinator
124 Funkhouser Building

Monday, April 7, 2014

Fwd: "see tomorrow." Forum!!!

Thursday, April 17th 2014 at 5:30pm to 7:00pm

In B108C WT Young Library


Graduate and Professional Student

“see tomorrow.” Forum

where Graduate and Professional Education will be discussed!

The “see tomorrow.” Coordinators want to hear from Graduate and Professional Students to help form the future of graduate and professional education at The University of Kentucky. This is our chance to let our voices be heard!! Please, do not miss out! 

Feel free to forward this email to any/all that you think would be interested in attending!! Also, a flyer is attached which can be posted around your department to help spread the word! 

Food and Refreshments will be provided. 

Please RSVP to if you plan on eating so an appropriate amount of food is provided. 

Dr. Jane McEldowney Jensen
Associate Professor
Educational Policy Studies & Evaluation
University of Kentucky
(I also use

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Congratulations to Dr. Thelin

Dr. Thelin learned today that he is the recipient of this year's William B. Sturgill Award for outstanding contributions to graduate education  at UK.

Recognition of this award will likely be at an Awards Ceremony and Reception to be held on Thursday, May 1.

Congratulations, Dr. Thelin!