We need returning students to help with the first Graduate Student Happy Hour August 25th...let us know where you'd like to go and we'll post the details.
To all the new students...if you have not received an email from Dr. Jensen in the last few days, check your MyUK account to be sure that your uky.edu email address is working and forwarding to the email you use most often. We use your official email for DGS correspondence...it's up to you to keep it up to date.
Reminder about tomorrow...
The weather looks a bit stormy tomorrow, but for those of you who would like a bit more orientation to the area around campus, I'll be leading a walk tomorrow morning at 10am leaving from Ovids at the WT Young Library. Ovids is located on the Eastern side of the library--NOT INSIDE the library itself. From there we'll walk down to the College of Fine Arts including the Singletary Center, to the north edge of campus and back down Limestone. Should be about an hour (as I have another meeting to go to myself). Very casual...just a chance to see a bit more while you are getting settled and hopefully meet some of your classmates.
Could you rsvp if you are coming? (jjensen@uky.edu) This way we'll know to wait if you are late.