Monday, October 31, 2011

Priority Registration

Good day,

As many of you know, priority registration for Spring has begun.  You should be advised that a few items related to our department's course listing have gone wonky over the weekend, and that two courses that are being offered have not yet been added to MyUK.  The details on those items can be found below.  We are currently working with the Registrar's Office to resolve these issues.  In the event that your registration window closes and these issues have not yet been resolved, you should contact Amberly for help with registration.  Her email is

Most sincere thanks for your patience with this process! If you would like to view the course listing without logging onto MyUK, you can visit:

  • EPE/EDP/ANT 620/SOC 622-001 will be taught from 4-6:30 PM on Wednesdays by Dr. Nicole Lewis at a location that remains TBD.
  • EPE/EDP/ANT 621-001 will be taught from 4-6:30 PM on Tuedays by Dr. Nicole Lewis at a location that remains TBD.
  • EPE 632-401 will be taught from 6:30 to 9 PM on Mondays by Dr. JJ Jackson.  The location will be changed to the MAIN Building.  The capacity of this course is 10 students, NOT 15 as currently listed.
EPE 798-002 has not yet been listed.  This Seminar in Higher Education is subtitled "Theory to Practice in Support of Student Learning" and will be taught on Wednesdays from 11-1:30 by Dr. Karin Lewis, at a location that remains TBD.  Course description:

"Seminar participants will explore a range of theoretical frameworks related to teaching and learning in the context of higher education.  Theory informs both researchers and practitioners as we structure how we work, teach, navigate the institution, interact with and support students. Looking through different theoretical lenses, including but not limited to, student development, cognitive development, gender dynamics, adult learning, personal epistemology development, system dynamics, communities of practice, and organizational sociology participants in the seminar will peel back layers of daily experiences in academe, college teaching-learning processes, and synthesize theoretical concepts from their other coursework and experience to gain a deeper understanding of our work in academe as we address major contemporary challenges in higher education."

EPE 798-402 has also not yet been listed.  This Seminar in Higher Education is subtitled "LGBT Issues in Higher Education" and will be taught by Dr. Steven Oliver on Wednesdays from 7-9:30 PM at a location that remains TBD.  Course description: 

"Increasingly institutions across the US are grappling with the question of how to create space within the academy for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) students, faculty and staff. These questions have implications for every aspect campus life including human resource policy, faculty recruitment and retention, student affairs, the development of new courses, and creating a welcoming campus climate as part of the broader work of diversity and inclusion. This course will explore the growing body of literature that seeks to understand the needs of LGBT students, faculty, and staff. We will examine the pathways various institutions have taken to address these issues at times in the face of considerable resistance despite shifting societal trends."

A complete listing of EPE seminar course descriptions is forthcoming.   Stay tuned!!