Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Long Overdue Kudos

I saw this store in Rome and thought of all of you...

Congratulations to everyone for making it through another great semester in EPE.  And a special KUDOS to those who passed their quals this semester.  This marks a huge step from coursework and student status to full status as doctoral candidates of education and philosophy.  Well done!

Bill Verble
Justin Blevins
Kim Chaffer Schroeder
Ella Strong
Michael Quillen
Richard Roe
Andrew Smith
Nichole Knutson
Steve Wise
Karen Clancy
Teresa Mayo
Lisa Stephenson
Paul David Blankenship
Wendy Bolt
Deronda Mobelini
Karen Hlinka
Michelle Dykes
Amber Decker
Christopher Phillips
Nancy Preston
Travis McDearmon

Congratulations to Nicole Jenkins on completing her Masters in Higher Education!

And finally...congratulations and best wishes to Drs. David Sloan and Jim Cousins on successfully defending their dissertations this fall.  We welcome you to the ranks of Alumni!

Happy Holidays everyone...we'll see you in the New Year!
