Wednesday, March 30, 2011

An Invitation from Dr. Bradley

I am writing to invite you to attend Kate Akers dissertation defense this Friday, April 1st, 1PM in the faculty lounge. Her dissertation is titled:

Connections, paths, and explanations- A social network approach to investigating experiences of early childhood special education with the ECLS-K

Abstract: The purpose of this study is to demonstrate a practical application of social network analysis in the field of education using a large-scale data source. Using the Early Childhood Longitudinal Base Year data, a network is identified by examining the connections that occur between supports, both inside and outside formal special education resources for kindergarteners with access to special education programs.

Social network mappings and quantitative findings are presented for formal and informal supports and primary disability category, along with policy implications and suggestions for further research. Findings indicate that social network analysis offers a unique and innovative perspective to educational research.

Keywords: Social Network Analysis, 2-mode data analysis, Early Childhood Longitudinal Study, Special Education supports

Hope to see you there! Let me know if you have questions. Kelly,