Monday, April 2, 2012

EPE Summer Course Online

EPE798 Seminar in Higher Education: 

The University in a Global Context

This comparative education course reflects an exploration of how the Western university has been and is situated in a global context. Travelling in time from the first medieval institutions in the 12th century through the student protests of the sixties to the globalization of the university today, course participants will trace the themes of academic freedom, scientific discovery, student and faculty activism, and the knowledge economy.  Although this course centers on the Western university, we situate our conversation in a larger global context with the comparative story of Islamic, colonial, and post-colonial higher education.  From medieval Bologna to current EU reforms called the Bologna Process this course provides an excellent background to any major field of study.

The course is offered completely online with 10 individual learning units complemented by small group discussions and an individual creative project.  This course would be appropriate for students in graduate programs in higher education or comparative education as well as the new EPE Graduate Certificate in International Higher Education.

For more information, contact Dr. Jane Jensen (