Thursday, March 21, 2013

Fall Sociology of Higher Education Course

Greetings from Sabbatical EPE'ers!

I'll be teaching Sociology of Higher Education in the fall on Wednesdays at lunchtime.  Currently this is listed as an EPE798 but will eventually get it's own regular number and I'll likely teach it in the 4:00pm and later slot next time.  Here's the formal description:

Sociology of Higher Education
A study of higher education and society using sociological views and policy perspectives.  Topics include inequality and diversity in higher education; universities and colleges as social organizations and cultural institutions; the academic profession, academic departments and disciplines; the social and academic lives of students; as well as the impact of higher education and its relations to labor markets.    

The examples we'll use in the course will lean heavily toward rural higher education and Appalachian Studies.  This course will count toward an elective in the Graduate Certificate in Appalachian Studies if you are interested.  This is a good foundational course for higher education students interested in socio-cultural issues in post-secondary education.  I'm still working on the full reading list and assignments, so if you have requests, please send them.

Happy Spring!

Dr. Jane McEldowney Jensen
Associate Professor
Educational Policy Studies & Evaluation
University of Kentucky