Monday, June 17, 2013

EPE news

Please join me in congratulating Amberly Warnke for receiving the College of Education's 2013  award for Outstanding Staff Member.  Well deserved!

If you haven't yet heard, we are fortunate to have two new faculty members joining EPE for the fall semester:

Dr. Erin Stevenson has been accepted a clinical faculty appointment in EPE.  She will be the Director of the College's new Evaluation Center and will teach courses and advise in EPE.  Dr. Stevenson is interested in finding graduate students with interest and emerging skills in evaluation methods to get involved in projects through the Center.  She'll be located in 143-144 Taylor.

Dr. Ishwanzya Rivers has accepted appointment for a one year Lecturer position in EPE.  She'll teach  Policy Issues in Higher Education in the fall, and likely a Community College course as well as another yet to be decided course in the spring.  Dr. Rivers will also be available to work with Masters degree students on their scholarly papers and to guide students who'll undertake internships next year.  Dr. Rivers will have an office in 145 Taylor.

Please join me in welcoming both Dr. Stevenson and Dr. Rivers.

Amberly has started work to update the EPE website.  If you have suggestions, please let her or me know.

I will continue as interim department chair next year.  Need an IRB signature?  I'll be in the office on and off during the summer.  So leave the form in my mailbox and drop me an email to let me know it's there: Signatures R Me.

Other news?  Please share.  I'm sure in my jet-lagged state, I've left some on the other side of the international dateline.