Monday, July 18, 2011

Special Topics Seminar: John Dewey and Progressive Education

Special Topics Seminar: "John Dewey and Progressive Education."
EPE 525-001 or EPE 773-004, Thursdays from 12:30 to 3:00 PM with Dr. Richard Angelo

John Dewey was one of the towering intellectual figures of the 20th century. His name has been and continues to be synonymous with Progressive Education (capital P, capital E), but there's precious little agreement about what Progressive Education is or was, or what Dewey's contribution amounted to. The aim of the seminar is to sample the critical give-and-take as it has developed since the 1950's. At the same time, we'll have an opportunity to appraise contemporary initiatives--e.g., charter schools, NCLB, game-based learning, distance learning--asking which, if any, can legitimately lay claim to the progressive inheritance. In addition to the assigned reading and class discussions, students will write a paper (20-25 pages in length) on any aspect of progressive education--or Progressive Education--they chose.
There will be no final exam.

Registration add/drop windows are now open.  If you have questions about this or any other course offered through the Department of Educational Policy Studies, or is you require assistance with registration, you should contact Amberly at